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LINK 9045


Automatic two-head welding machine

Automatic two-head welding machine for 90° and variable angles (from 45° to 180° on the moving right head)

  • Fully automatic, PLC controlled work cycle
  • Welding of 90° and variable angles (from 45° to 180° on the moving right head)
  • Adjustment of the melting and welding time adaptable to existing market profiles
  • Heating system by serpentine, in order to warm at the same way all the heating plate
  • Moving head moves on double chromed and thoughened bar with sphere bearings, allowing a fluis sliding and the accurancy of the positioning
  • Both head control panels are equipped with the following controls: profiles clamping and start cycle (bimanual controls); emergency buttons; control to move forward the heating plate to clean the teflon sheet; emergency button with emergency reset; on the moving head there is the button to arrest/release the moving of the head
  • Quick change system of the teflon
  • Profile support arms to help the operator during the welding of two contemporary corner
  • No. 8 bead limiters, heated to decrease the thermal gap
  • No. 8 stainless steel bead limiters to change the bead thickness to 2 mm
  • N. 8 limitatori di cordolo in acciaio inox per variazione spessore del cordolo a 0.2 mm
  • Head opening and support rollers for frames evacuation
  • Kit seal-press
  • Mobile head/fixed head reversal

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